Raspberry Float

3 pkg. (3 oz.) raspberry Jello           1/2 c. lime juice
4 c. boiling water                       2-1/4 c. orange juice
1-1/2 c. sugar                            1-1/4 c. lemon juice
4 c. cold water                           1 qt. ginger ale
                                         2 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen raspberries

Dissolve Jello in boiling water. Add sugar, cold water and juices. Cool, but do not chill or Jello will congeal. (If it does congeal, heat just enough to liquify.)

When time to serve, pour punch into punch bowl. Add ginger ale and frozen raspberries. Stir until raspberries break apart and are partially thawed. Makes about 4 quarts.

- Lucille Spencer
  Tacoma First Ward