Parker House Rolls

1 c. milk                                 6 tbsp. melted shortening

5 tbsp. sugar                             1 c. lukewarm water

1 tbsp. salt                              6 c. sifted flour

1 packet yeast

Scald (boil) milk, add sugar and salt; cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water, and add to lukewarm milk. Add 3 c. flour. Beat until smooth. Add shortening and remaining flour, or enough to make easily handled dough. Knead well. Place in greased bowl. Cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk, about 1-1/2 hours.

Roll out dough to 3/8 inch thick and cut with 2-1/2" round cutter. Crease heavily through center with dull edge of knife and brush very lightly with melted butter. Fold over in pocket-book shape. Place close together in well-greased shallow pans. Cover and let rise until light, about 1 hour. Bake at 425 deg. about 20 minutes. Makes 4 dozen.

NOTE: Temperature of room or rising area should be 78-80 deg.

If too hot, will make sour or yeasty dough.

If too cold, dough will be heavy and tough.

NOTE: Put squares of sweet chocolate in Parker House Rolls before baking for good breakfast rolls.