Orange Loaf Cake

2-1/2 c. sifted cake flour               4 egg yolks, beaten

1 tsp. salt                               1 tbsp. finely grated orange rind

1/2 tsp. baking powder                   1/2 c. canned milk

1/2 tsp, baking soda                     1/2 c. water

2/3 c. shortening                         1 tbsp. vinegar

1-1/4 c. sugar

Sift together flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Cream shortening and sugar,

beat until fluffy. Add egg yolks and orange rind. Mix well. Mix together milk, water and vinegar. Add alternately with dry ingredients to creamed mixture, beginning

and ending with dry ingredients. Beat well after each addition. Bake in paper-lined greased loaf pan at 350 deg. for 60 to 70 minutes.