Chocolate Walnut Balls

1/2 c. sifted flour                      1 tbsp. soft butter

3/4 c. sugar                              1 c. milk

1/8 tsp. salt                             2/3 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1/2 tsp. vanilla                          2 c. coarsely chopped walnuts

1 egg

In top of double boiler mix flour, sugar, salt, vanilla, egg, butter, and milk until well blended. Cook over boiling water until very thick and smooth, about 15 minutes.

Then add chocolate, stirring until melted.

Remove from heat and chill. When mixture is cool enough to handle easily, drop by teaspoonfuls into chopped nuts. With hands, roll each spoonful into a nut-coated ball. Store in refrigerator or in cool place until ready to serve. Makes about 4 dozen balls.