2 c. sugar 2 cans Spanish peanuts*
1 c. white corn syrup 2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 c. water 1/4 c. margarine
Put sugar, corn syrup and water in large heavy frying pan. Cook until hard crack stage (light tan color, use candy thermometer) on medium or low heat. Add nuts. Stir in baking soda and margarine. Pour into greased cookie sheet (grease with butter or margarine). If too thick so it does not spread, put cookie sheet on stove over low heat and work gently back and forth as candy is smoothed out into corners of pan.
While candy is still hot, score with butcher knife once or twice. Then cool and cut. (Breaks more evenly into squares when cold, if it is scored while hot.)
*NOTE: Can use 2 c. raw peanuts from shells plus 1 tsp. salt, in place of 2 cans Spanish peanuts.
- Ione Hurst, 1962
Stuttgart, Germany