Basic Cream Centers

LARGE QUANTITY                                  SMALL QUANTITY

10 pounds of white sugar                       4 cups white sugar

5 cups whole milk                               1 cup whole milk

2½ cups whipping cream                         ½ cup whipping cream

1/4 pound butter                                2 tbsp. butter

1/2 cup white corn syrup                       2 tbsp. white corn syrup

1/4 tsp. salt                                   pinch of salt

Combine all ingredients in pan; place over heat and stir constantly until mixture begins to boil. Keep boiling rapidly until fondant reaches soft ball stage (230-232 deg. F.) Cool as rapidly as possible and beat.

The basic cream fondant is used for all flavors except brown sugar, Olympian creams, and pineapple.


Vanilla – extract                               Almond - Almond extract

Buttered Rum – Rum extract, add soft           Maple Walnut - Add maple extract

butter with extract                            and chopped walnuts

Cherry Almond - Almond extract and             Chocolate - Vanilla extract and

well drained chopped cherries                  melted chocolate, walnuts

Orange - Add finely grated fresh               Orange Chocolate - Add finely grated

orange rind                                     orange rind and melted chocolate

Lemon - Add finely grated fresh                Chocolate mint - Add OIL of peppermint

lemon rind                                      and melted chocolate

Peppermint - Add OIL of peppermint             Strawberry - Strawberry extract.

few drops at a time (very strong)              When dipping strawberry fondant,

                                                     add chopped unsalted peanuts to

                                                     chocolate, mix thoroughly.