Christmas Rocks

1 c. butter                               2 lbs. dates, cut up

1-1/2 c. brown sugar                     1/2 lb. candied cherries or mixed fruit

2 large eggs, beaten                     4 slices candied pineapple

                                         1/2 lb. chopped walnuts

2-1/2 c. flour                            1/2 lb. chopped almonds

1 tsp. cinnamon                           1/2 lb. chopped Brazil nuts

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

Cream butter, brown sugar and eggs. Sift dry ingredients. Add to first mixture, holding out 1/2 cup dry ingredients to dust nuts and fruit.

Dust nuts and fruit with flour mixture saved out. Add to first mixture. Drop from teaspoon on well buttered cookie sheet (line with foil and butter foil). Bake about 12 minutes at 350 deg. Makes 12 dozen cookies.

Mrs. Virginia Scott, 1977

Board Member

Washington State Historical Soc.

Tacoma, Washington