

1 c. soft margarine                2 tbsp. sugar
1-1/2 c. sugar                       2 tsp. cinnamon
2 eggs

2-3/4 c. sifted flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt

Cream margarine, sugar and eggs. Sift dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture. Roll into balls the size of small walnuts. Roll in mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

Place 2" apart on ungreased cookie sheet (lined with aluminum foil). Bake at 400 deg. 8-10 minutes, until lightly browned, but still soft. These cookies puff up at first, then flatten out. Makes about 5 dozen.

- Mary Stevenson
  Rockville, Maryland