Baking Powder Biscuits

2 c. flour (packed in)                   1/4 c. shortening or butter
2 Tbs baking powder                   3/4 c. milk
1/2 tsp. salt

Mix flour, salt, baking powder. Sift together into bowl. Cut in shortening. Add milk. Roll and cut into biscuits about 1/2" thick. Line cookie sheet with foil. Put some butter on foil and put into oven which is preheating to 450 degrees, for a few minutes until butter melts. When biscuits are cut (with 2" round cutter), dip in melted butter on cookie sheet and turn over. Place about 2" apart and bake at 450 deg. for about 15 minutes, until golden brown.


ORANGE:     To the dough add instead of milk:
                   juice of 1 orange (3/4 c. juice)
                   1 tbsp. grated orange rind (or rind from 1 orange)
                   Sugar cubes: Dip sugars in orange juice and put a cube on each biscuit.

CHEESE:     To the dough add 1/2 c. grated cheese with shortening.

NUT:        Add 1/2 c. chopped nuts before adding milk to dough.