2 c. white sugar 1 heaping tsp. baking soda
2 c. water 1 tsp. salt
2 heaping tbsp. shortening 1 tsp. nutmeg
1-1/2 lb. seedless raisins 1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 lb. mixed peel Shake of ground cloves and ground ginger
Enough flour to stiffen dough
Walnuts and vanilla
Boil together five minutes sugar, water, shortening, raisins and peel.* When add the spices sifted with enough flour to make a stiff dough. Add chopped nuts and vanilla (about 2 tsp. vanilla). Line loaf pans with parchment paper and grease paper.
Bake at 325 deg. for about 2 hours.
NOTE: If the cake becomes brown on top before it's done, cover tops of cakes with
Aluminum foil to prevent them from becoming too dark.
* If using "Radiant Mix" or other soft, sealed fresh mixed peel, do not boil unless it has become hard and dry.
This was Grandma Allen's recipe.
I never did reduce it to all level measurements for exactness.
- Mom