Nut Butter Rounds

2 c. sifted flour                        
1/3 c. sugar                            
2/3 c. chopped walnuts or pecans        
1/2 c. margarine
1 egg yolk
1/4 c. water

Into large bowl put flour, sugar and nuts. Blend in margarine. Add egg yolk and water. Chill at least 2 hours. Roll 1/8" thick and cut with 2" round cutter. Bake at 350 deg. for 7-10 minutes, until light golden brown. Put together with filling. Spread top thinly with jam (strawberry, raspberry, or blackberry); then with frosting. Sprinkle with a few slivered or finely chopped nuts.

2 tbsp. margarine
1/3 c. powdered sugar, sifted
1 square baking chocolate, melted

Cream all together and spread on half the cookie rounds. Put the other half of the cookie rounds on top of the filled rounds to make a sandwich. Frost the top layer with:

1 tbsp. margarine
1/3 c. powdered sugar
1 egg yolk
1 square melted baking chocolate

Combine all and blend well. Spread on tops of cookies.