Streamlined Dinner Rolls

1/2 c. -milk                            2 tbsp. shortening
1 tsp. salt                              2-1/4 c. flour
1 tbsp. sugar                          1 egg, unbeaten
1 packet yeast

Bring milk just to the boiling point in a large saucepan. Then remove from heat and measure salt, sugar and shortening into milk in saucepan. Let stand while sifting and measuring flour. After measuring flour, drop egg and crumbled yeast into hot liquid, stirring rapidly until yeast dissolves. Add flour, mixing to a moderately stiff dough and turn out on floured board, folding over several times to smooth out dough. Divide dough into 16 equal pieces, approximately the size of a large walnut.

Shape each piece into a ball, and place in greased round 8"-layer cake pan. Cover pan with cloth wrung out in warm water. Allow to rise until rolls are rounded and double in bulk, about 40 minutes.
Bake at 450 deg. for 12-15 minutes. Brush tops with melted butter.

Makes 16 rolls.