Mrs. Brown's Raisin Nut Bread

4 c. graham flour                         2 c. sour milk**

2 c. white flour                          1/2 c. molasses

1 c. sugar                                2 tsp. baking soda

1 c. chopped nuts                         1 egg

1 c. raisins                              pinch salt

Sift dry ingredients into large bowl. Combine sour milk with baking soda, molasses, and egg. Blend with dry ingredients. Add raisins and nuts. Mix.   Bake in well-greased loaf pans 1 hour at 350 deg.

** To make 1 cup sour milk:  Add 1 Tbs vinegar or lemon juice to a 1 cup measuring cup and then fill with milk.  Let stand 5 minutes.